Watch how Zoe learns to jump rope and mommy realization. l Life with ZG l Mommy Blogger PH

Watch how Zoe learns to jump rope and mommy realization. l Life with ZG l Mommy Blogger PH

Zoe's taking a break from Taekwondo but found a new love in badminton and jumping rope. 💖

A few days ago, Zoe finally picked up her rope and tried jumping rope. It was not easy for her, especially because she gets frustrated easily, which you guys can see here on day 1 and day 2 of this video.

One thing I love about Zoe is that when she wants to do something, she will work hard for it. She'll do everything to achieve it, no matter how long it takes. ✨

For almost 30 minutes, she's practicing nonstop until she can finally do 10 unbroken jumps on her first day. She was so happy and proud of herself. Since that day, she's always excited to pick up her rope to practice. She's been jumping every day and slowly getting the hang of it and wants to learn some tricks already. haha

For months, her jumping rope was left unnoticed until she decided to pick it up and learn how to use it. You see parents if we have a prepared environment for our kids, one day it will spark their interests and open up more opportunities for them. Just like books, learning materials, and even arts and crafts. When that happens, you just need to support them and enjoy the process. ✨

Love, Mommy Gen.